1,095 research outputs found

    The Hodge--Poincar\'e polynomial of the moduli spaces of stable vector bundles over an algebraic curve

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    Let X be a nonsingular complex projective variety that is acted on by a reductive group GG and such that Xss≠X(0)s≠∅X^{ss} \neq X_{(0)}^{s}\neq \emptyset. We give formulae for the Hodge--Poincar\'e series of the quotient X(0)s/GX_{(0)}^s/G. We use these computations to obtain the corresponding formulae for the Hodge--Poincar\'e polynomial of the moduli space of properly stable vector bundles when the rank and the degree are not coprime. We compute explicitly the case in which the rank equals 2 and the degree is even.Comment: Final published version. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:math/0305346, arXiv:math/0305347 by other author

    On Nori's Fundamental Group Scheme

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    We determine the quotient category which is the representation category of the kernel of the homomorphism from Nori's fundamental group scheme to its \'etale and local parts. Pierre Deligne pointed out an error in the first version of this article. We profoundly thank him, in particular for sending us his enlightning example reproduced in Remark 2.4 2).Comment: 29 page

    Holomorphic Supercurves and Supersymmetric Sigma Models

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    We introduce a natural generalisation of holomorphic curves to morphisms of supermanifolds, referred to as holomorphic supercurves. More precisely, supercurves are morphisms from a Riemann surface, endowed with the structure of a supermanifold which is induced by a holomorphic line bundle, to an ordinary almost complex manifold. They are called holomorphic if a generalised Cauchy-Riemann condition is satisfied. We show, by means of an action identity, that holomorphic supercurves are special extrema of a supersymmetric action functional.Comment: 30 page

    Forgetful maps between Deligne-Mostow ball quotients

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    We study forgetful maps between Deligne-Mostow moduli spaces of weighted points on P^1, and classify the forgetful maps that extend to a map of orbifolds between the stable completions. The cases where this happens include the Livn\'e fibrations and the Mostow/Toledo maps between complex hyperbolic surfaces. They also include a retraction of a 3-dimensional ball quotient onto one of its 1-dimensional totally geodesic complex submanifolds

    Non-Abelian statistics versus the Witten anomaly

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    This paper is motivated by prospects for non-Abelian statistics of deconfined particle-like objects in 3+1 dimensions, realized as solitons with localized Majorana zeromodes. To this end, we study the fermionic collective coordinates of magnetic monopoles in 3+1 dimensional spontaneously-broken SU(2) gauge theories with various spectra of fermions. We argue that a single Majorana zeromode of the monopole is not compatible with cancellation of the Witten SU(2) anomaly. We also compare this approach with other attempts to realize deconfined non-Abelian objects in 3+1 dimensions.Comment: 11 pages, 3 figures; v2: added refs, minor corrections, published versio

    A representation formula for maps on supermanifolds

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    In this paper we analyze the notion of morphisms of rings of superfunctions which is the basic concept underlying the definition of supermanifolds as ringed spaces (i.e. following Berezin, Leites, Manin, etc.). We establish a representation formula for all morphisms from the algebra of functions on an ordinary manifolds to the superalgebra of functions on an open subset of R^{p|q}. We then derive two consequences of this result. The first one is that we can integrate the data associated with a morphism in order to get a (non unique) map defined on an ordinary space (and uniqueness can achieved by restriction to a scheme). The second one is a simple and intuitive recipe to compute pull-back images of a function on a manifold by a map defined on a superspace.Comment: 23 page

    Exponential sums with coefficients of certain Dirichlet series

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    Under the generalized Lindel\"of Hypothesis in the t- and q-aspects, we bound exponential sums with coefficients of Dirichlet series belonging to a certain class. We use these estimates to establish a conditional result on squares of Hecke eigenvalues at Piatetski-Shapiro primes.Comment: 13 page

    Large-time Behavior of Solutions to the Inflow Problem of Full Compressible Navier-Stokes Equations

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    Large-time behavior of solutions to the inflow problem of full compressible Navier-Stokes equations is investigated on the half line R+=(0,+∞)R^+ =(0,+\infty). The wave structure which contains four waves: the transonic(or degenerate) boundary layer solution, 1-rarefaction wave, viscous 2-contact wave and 3-rarefaction wave to the inflow problem is described and the asymptotic stability of the superposition of the above four wave patterns to the inflow problem of full compressible Navier-Stokes equations is proven under some smallness conditions. The proof is given by the elementary energy analysis based on the underlying wave structure. The main points in the proof are the degeneracies of the transonic boundary layer solution and the wave interactions in the superposition wave.Comment: 27 page

    The Tate conjecture for K3 surfaces over finite fields

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    Artin's conjecture states that supersingular K3 surfaces over finite fields have Picard number 22. In this paper, we prove Artin's conjecture over fields of characteristic p>3. This implies Tate's conjecture for K3 surfaces over finite fields of characteristic p>3. Our results also yield the Tate conjecture for divisors on certain holomorphic symplectic varieties over finite fields, with some restrictions on the characteristic. As a consequence, we prove the Tate conjecture for cycles of codimension 2 on cubic fourfolds over finite fields of characteristic p>3.Comment: 20 pages, minor changes. Theorem 4 is stated in greater generality, but proofs don't change. Comments still welcom
